Home Constitution  Standing Resolutions   Grand High Priests






Chapters are directed to forward to the Grand Secretary the names of all persons rejected, suspended or expelled, immediately thereafter, and that the Grand Secretary be directed to notify all Subordinate Chapters of the same.(Rescinded 1973)


That the Grand Secretary, hereafter, upon ascertaining the amount due each representative of the Subordinate Chapters for actual expenses in attending the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter  shall draw orders on the Grand Treasurer for the several amounts aforesaid, payable to their respective orders, and transmit as early to them as practicable; provided, however, that no more than one Representative from the same Chapter shall be entitled to  compensation.(Rescinded 1972, Page 16)


That the M.E. Grand High Priest is authorized to draw on the Grand Treasurer for the amount of his actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his official duties, subject to approval of the Finance Committee.(Amended 1972, Page 16)


Subordinate Chapters in this jurisdiction failing to meet at least in four Convocations in a year shall be summoned to show cause why their charters shall not be withdrawn.


Any Subordinate Chapter in any adjoining jurisdiction may confer the degrees of Capitular Masonry on Master Masons of this State who reside nearer to such chapter than to any Chapter in this State, provided the same privileges be extended to the Chapters in this State by the Laws of such adjoining jurisdictions. Rescinded; see Constitution, Article II, Section 14)


The Right Excellent Grand Secretary hereafter shall grant no certificate to Companions of the Subordinate Chapters (who have surrendered their charter), until the said Companions have paid the dues owed to the Chapters to which they belonged, unless this Grand Chapter remit the same.


Secretaries of Subordinate Chapters shall notify the different Chapters when petitioners are pending in their respective Chapters for initiation and membership.(Rescinded 1972, Page 16)


All moneys for current expenses belonging to this Most Excellent Grand Chapter shall be deposited in the Security Trust and Safe Deposit Co., in the name of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Delaware, to be drawn subject to the signature of the M.E. Grand High Priest, R. E. Grand Treasurer and R. E. Grand Secretary. (Constitution, Article I, Section 9B, as amended 1972)

9.   EXEMPT FROM DUES (1895)

Subordinate Chapters of this jurisdiction may, if by them deemed expedient, be permitted to exempt from dues all Companions who have been members in good standing of their respective Chapters for a period of twenty-one years.

10.  BOOK OF MARKS (1895)

All Mark Master Masons are required to adopt a Mark, have the same recorded in the Book of Marks, in ink.  Officers of Subordinate Chapters using all endeavors to have those who are at present members and who have not chosen for themselves a Mark, to do so.


Membership in a Chapter (shall) be coexistent with membership in a Blue Lodge; i.e., that a Companion who is demitted from a Blue Lodge for more than one year forfeits his membership in his Chapter.

12.  SIGN FULL NAMES (1896)

Applicants for degrees are required to sign their names in full to their petitions, and that Secretaries are instructed to see that their names are so signed to the By-Laws.

13.     STANDARD WORK (1896)

This Most Excellent Grand Chapter having adopted the work as promulgated by the General Grand Chapter International Subordinate Chapters in this Jurisdiction are required to use this as their standard work, thus insuring uniformity.(See Standing Resolution No. 44)


The Excellent High Priests of the several Subordinate Chapters are instructed to cause all candidates to perfect themselves in the essentials of the preceding degrees before being advanced to the degree of Royal Arch Mason.


No subordinate Chapter shall receive and act upon the petition for Capitular Degrees unless the applicant has resided within the jurisdiction of this said Chapter six months.(See also Constitution, Article II, Section 14, 1973)


Commissions issued to Companions to represent this Most Excellent Grand Chapter near other Grand Chapters, as well as those issued to Companions to represent other Most Excellent Grand Chapters near this, shall be limited in each case to the close of the succeeding Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter of the United States.(Superseded. See Standing Resolution No. 37, 1925)


That hereafter each year during the session of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter, at such times as the M. E. Grand High Priest may direct, the Representatives of Most Excellent Grand Chapters of Sister Jurisdictions near the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Delaware be received in amp1e form in open Chapter, showing courtesy to and honoring our Sister Grand Jurisdictions and those representing them.

18.  USE OF THE CIPHER (1904)

The use of cipher is hereafter forbidden in open Chapter


When a waiver of jurisdiction is desired, the Chapter nearest to which the applicant may reside shall have jurisdiction, and such waiver shall be granted when said Chapter unanimously consents.

(Rescinded 1973; see Constitution, Article II, Section 14, 1973)


A Standing Committee on Printing shall be appointed to attend to all printing of this Most Excellent Grand Chapter and the Right Excellent Grand Secretary shall be Chairman of the same.


None but Excellent High Priests or Past High Priests shall be eligible to election to any elective office in this Most Excellent Grand Chapter. (Constitution, Article I, Section 5, 1973)


Chapters are required to Work the Past Master's degree in accordance with the provision of the ritual in use before the adoption of the work of the General Grand Chapter.(Rescinded 1959; see Standing Resolution No.44)

23.     CHARGES (1907)

That the Chapters be requested to use the charges for the several degrees as offered by the system in use in this State previous to the adoption of the work of the General Grand Chapter. (Rescinded 1959; see Standing Resolution No. 44)

24.  FEE IN FULL (1908)

Chapters shall not confer the degrees without payment of the usual fee nor any part thereof be remitted. (Rescinded 1973; Constitution, article II, Section 12, 1973)

25.     FAILURE TO PAY DUES (1908)

Any Subordinate chapter under the jurisdiction of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter may suspend by a majority vote of the Companions present, at any Convocation, any Companion who shall fail to pay his dues for two years; provided that no Companion shall be suspended until he shall have had at least one month's notice of the intention of the Chapter to take action upon his delinquency and of the penalty to which he renders himself liable by failure to liquidate his indebtedness as specified by Chapter.

(Constitution, Article II, Section 16, 1973)

26   MEMORIALS (1909)

Upon the death of a member of this Most Excellent Grand Chapter, the Memorial Committee shall prepare a suitable memorial with all their Masonic History, which shall be read at the regular Convocation of all Subordinate Chapters next following, and upon the death of a Past Grand High Priest, all sister jurisdictions be officially notified.(Rescinded; see Standing Resolution No. 41, 1931)

27.     HOLDING TWO OFFICES (1909)

A Companion elected to office in his Chapter cannot hold an appointed one except temporarily

28.  DEMIT (1909)

A Companion wishing to demit from his Chapter must apply in writing for the same.


The Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Delaware makes it obligatory that every High Priest-elect must first become an Anointed High Priest before he can regularly officiate as High Priest of his Chapter


In all future publications of the proceedings of this Most Excellent Grand Chapter, a page, opposite to that of the portrait of the M. E  Grand High Priest, shall contain a biographical sketch and record of his Masonic career, and his address.


Resolution adopted January 16, 1907, which reads, "That the conferring of any degree of the Capitular systems under the authority of the M.E. Grand Chapter be confined to a High Priest or Past High Priest", be rescinded; and in the future the Scribe may confer the Mark Master's Degree, the King may confer the Most Excellent Master's degree, and the High Priest or Past High Priest the Past Master and Royal Arch degrees.

32.  NON-AFFILIATED (1915)

A Companion who becomes non-affiliated and remaining so for a period of one year shall be denied the privilege of visiting any Chapter in this jurisdiction.


The several Chapters in this jurisdiction are permitted to issue life membership for such a sum as may be agreeable to said individual Chapter, and that certificates of membership, when issued under this ruling, be limited to one year with privilege of renewing the same annually so long as said Companion holds membership in a Blue Lodge, unless a Companion holds life membership in a Blue Lodge, then life certificate may be issued to said Companion in the Chapter. In other words, the issuing of a life certificate in the Chapter be coexistent with the life membership in the Blue Lodge


Names of Companions in good standing only shall be printed in the proceedings. Past High Priests are to be returned in the order in which they served their Chapters; deceased Past High Priests to be so designated


High Priests are required to open and close their Chapters in full form; the Mark Master, Most Excellent Master degrees may be opened and closed in short form if it should be necessary.


Except by dispensation, a period of one lunar month shall elapse between the conferring of each Capitular degree upon each candidate, with the exception of the Past Master's degree, which may be conferred in conjunction with either the Mark Master or Most Excellent Master's degree.

And that the resolution of 1897 be strictly enforced. That is, all candidates shall be instructed in the essentials, viz: the signs, word, steps and obligations of each degree, before being advanced to the degree of Royal Arch Mason.


The appointment of Grand Representatives shall be permanent and the Commissions of said Representatives shall only be withdrawn for cause.(Rescinded 1986)

38.  PAYMENT OF BILLS (1925)

The M. E. Grand High Priest, Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary, collectively, are authorized to pay all bills as they come due. (Constitution, Article I, Section 9E, 1973)


Certificates of election of High Priests shall be forwarded annually by Secretaries of Subordinate Chapters to the Grand Secretary immediately after the election has taken place, for use at the Annual Meeting of the Order of High Priesthood


Whenever a Grand Representative misses two consecutive meetings of the M E. Grand Chapter, without reasonable cause, his position may be declared vacant, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled by the M E. Grand High Priest.

41.     MEMORIALS (1931)

Upon the death of a member of this Grand Chapter, the Memorials Committee shall prepare a suitable memorial with all his Masonic History which shall be read at our Annual Convocation and become a part of our record; and, in addition, upon the death of a Past Grand High Priest, the Grand Secretary have printed a suitable card announcing the same and mail a copy to each sister jurisdiction with whom we hold fraternal relations.(Rescinded 1986)

42.     MEMBERSHIP CARDS (1936)

Beginning 1937, the following words be added to our membership card:  "and has paid his dues to ______________".


Resolved that the office of Deputy Grand High Priest be eliminated from Article I, Section 5, of our Constitution. (This was an amendment to the Constitution not a Standing Resolution.)

44.     STANDARD WORK (1959; REVISED 1984)

Resolved that the Standing Resolutions of the M E. Grand Chapter adopted in 1907 as follows:

"1. Chapters in this Jurisdiction are required to work the Past Master degree in accordance with the provisions of the Ritual in use before the adoption of the work of the M. E. General Grand Chapter

2. That the Chapters in the Jurisdiction be requested to use the charges for the several degrees as offered by the system in use in this State previous to the adoption of the work of the M. E General Grand Chapter.

BE RESCINDED, and the following resolution be adopted:

"Resolved: That this M. E. Grand Chapter adopt the Ritual of the M. E. General Grand Chapter in conferring all degrees."

That the Past Masters degree conferred in Delaware, whether by Delaware Chapter or by Chapters from Sister Jurisdictions, be the Virtual Past Master degree as set forth in the General Grand Chapter ritual.


BE IT RESOLVED by this Grand Chapter to continue the Special Assessment of $0.25 Annually on each Royal Arch Mason of the Subordinate Chapters of Delaware to defray the expense of our Annual Grand Convocations. (To effect the recommendation of M.E. Chester G Dahlstrom, made in 1967)(Constitution, Article II, Section 17, 1972)


Whereas this Grand Chapter and all York Rite Masonry in Delaware has been richly endowed by the labors of our devoted and lately departed Most Excellent Companion F. Irving Crow and

Whereas this Grand Chapter wishes to perpetuate his name, memory and service forever, and

Whereas it is desired to make this a living monument, as exemplified in the lives and services of those he left behind to serve, now therefore be it Resolved that we do hereby and herein establish the "F. Irving Crow York Rite Award of Honor”, to be awarded according to the criteria established at the 111th Annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter.

Criteria for Award:

The "F. Irving Crow York Rite Award of Honor" has been established in memory of a devoted beloved Companion.  This award is to be given no more often than annually, and not necessarily that often, by this Grand Chapter to that Companion who has, through years of long service to the York Rite, best exemplified the teachings of the lessons of York Rite Masonry. The award, although made to an individual, is to remain the property of this Grand Chapter and is to be displayed in the York Rite Body designated by the current recipient. The selection of a nominee for this award shall be by unanimous consent of a Committee composed of the three immediate living Past Grand High Priests, based upon deliberations with previous recipients, the Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council, the Commanders of the subordinate Commanderies (or Grand Commander should one prevail) and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. The presiding Grand High Priest may accept, or decline, to make the award. In no instance may he make a recommendation for the award.

In all instances it must be remembered that the award is made in honor of a distinguished Delaware Mason who served the York Rite for almost sixty years with the deepest of love. It should never be awarded to one  who has not, in his own service, exemplified the service and love demonstrated by him for whom it is named.


That within 45 days following Grand Chapter", the Grand Secretary submit to each Subordinate Chapter, a summary of the activities of Grand Chapter, as well as the incoming Grand High Priest's program for the year - And further, that this report be read aloud in each Subordinate Chapter. (Moved to Article I, Section 9C & Revised, 1986)

48.     MASTER'S PINS (1979)

That this Grand Chapter present to each Master-elect of the Delaware Blue Lodges a "Master's pin" with the year engraved thereon. (Rescinded 1988, Proceedings - page 26)


That since we are obligated to convey as much light to our Companions as is within our power, this Grand Chapter provide each newly exalted Companion with a keystone decal, a Royal Arch Triple Tau lapel pin, and an historical information package of the four degrees.

50      MEMBERSHIP PLAQUE (1982)

That this Grand Chapter purchase a plaque to be presented to the Chapter which each year obtains the most new members The plaque will have a place for the engraving of the name of the Chapter and the year.

CRITERIA FOR THE AWARD:           (1982, REVISED  1983)

The Chapter to receive the Grand Chapter Plaque (for membership) in any given year shall be determined from the figures in the Annual Returns from the several Constituent Chapters, received by January 31st.

The plaque shall be presented to that Chapter which reports the highest number of Exaltations in the year, unless two or more Chapters report the same number of newly-Exalted Companions, resulting in a "tie" in that category, which is to be resolved.

In the event of a "tie" the Award shall go to that one of the "tied" Chapters which, according to the Annual Return shows:

The largest gain, or smallest loss, (numerically) in members for the year, applying this formula:

Exaltations plus Reinstatements minus Demits, Suspensions and those Companions owing two years dues and those owing more than two years dues, if any such - In case a tie still exists, then the plaque shall go to that one of the "tied" Chapters whose Demits and Suspensions together with that number of Companions owing two years dues and those owing more than two years dues, if any such, combined in number, constitute the smallest percentage of its membership at the start of the year. Any "Tie" remaining after this step shall be decided by lot. Assisted by the Grand King and Grand Scribe, the Grand Secretary will prepare the lots, each bearing the number of one of the "tied" Chapters, and in the presence of these three Grand Officers, the Grand High Priest shall draw the (winning) number of the Chapter to receive the plaque for the year. (Affiliations, Deaths, and Dual Members are to be excluded from All computations in arriving at the determination of the Chapter to be honored.)


That this Grand Chapter proceed with and continue to publish the newsletter "Still Further Light" in conjunction with the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Delaware. The number of issues is to be determined by agreement of the Grand High Priest, the Most Illustrious Grand Master, and the Editor; and that the Grand Chapter of Delaware is to pay two-thirds of the cost of publishing and distributing the same, to the limit of $100.00 per annum. Additional expenditures above that limit are to be approved by the Grand Chapter Finance Committee.


In the event of a vacancy in the Elected Officers, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest shall have the power to advance the remaining progressive Officers and to fill the vacancy in the station of Captain of the Host thus created. Preference for appointment to the station of Captain of the Host shall be given to an Excellent Companion from the same Chapter which filled the original vacancy. Such advancement and appointment shall not affect the future rotational appointment preference previously established by this Grand Chapter This resolution to be effective at the close of the 1989 Annual Convocation.


Recognizing that confusion might arise regards the ownership of the Grand Chapter Regalia used by the officers of this Grand Chapter, and that presented to Past Grand High Priests, the following ‘Acknowledgment of Ownership’ is to be signed by each Grand Presiding Officer prior to his investiture with this Regalia. A copy of same to be retained by the Grand Secretary until such time as the regalia is rightfully returned to Grand Chapter.

Acknowledgment of Ownership

I, _________________________, in the State of Delaware HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that the Masonic Regalia hereinafter described,(e.g. Past Grand High Priest Jewel, Apron with Case, Collar Chain with Jewel, etc.) are the property of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Delaware, and that the same have been placed in my possession IN TRUST to be used by me at the pleasure of the said GRAND CHAPTER and until I am requested to return the same to the GRAND CHAPTER, or until my death.  AND I HEREBY AGREE to return the said Masonic Regalia to the said GRAND CHAPTER upon request.

In the event of my death, I hereby instruct my Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assigns to deliver the said Masonic Regalia to the GRAND CHAPTER OF DELAWARE and I hereby agree to append a copy of this Acknowledgment of Ownership to my last Will and Testament so that my Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Successors and Assigns will be aware that the said Masonic Regalia is/was held by me IN TRUST.

Executed this ______________ day of ___________________ , AD ____

REGALIA CONCERNED      ____________________________________________________________



WITNESS MY SIGNATURE __________________________________

IN THE PRESENCE OF   ______________________________________

(Proceedings 1995, page 36)


Resolved: that the Grand Chapter in conjunction with the Grand Council and Grand Commandery  create a Standing Committee to be known as the Grand York Rite Annual Meeting Committee.  The duties of said Committee to be:

* Make all necessary arrangements for the facilities for the annual York Rite Meetings, for the lodging of the Guests of the Grand Bodies, for the Annual Banquet and for the Ladies and Mens lunches. For the negotiation of costs and the execution of any contracts to accomplish these objectives.

* Plan and conduct all operations for the Meetings including publicity, solicitation of attendees, receipt and management of all funds, payment of all obligations, Banquet seating arrangements, and rendering a just and true account of the same to the Finance Committees of the several Grand Bodies for Audit within four weeks of the meetings.

* Assist the Grand Presiding Officers in obtaining Entertainment for the Annual Banquet: and for providing amenities, such as Hospitality rooms,  Ladies programs, decorations etc. that the Presiding officers wish to sponsor. 

* Manage the Annual Meeting with a Revenue Neutral objective with the Grand Bodies paying for, or causing to be paid for, the out-of- pocket cost for the food and lodging for their invited guests.  Further, that any excess revenue or cost shall be the responsibility of the Grand Bodies on a pro-rata basis of the invited guests attending.

*The committee shall be composed of three members, one from each of the three Grand Bodies.  Their term of service shall be for three years except for the initial appointments, where the member from Grand Chapter shall be for one year, Grand Council for two years and Grand Commandery for three years.  The chairmanship shall rotate annually through Grand Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand Commandery so that the longest service member is the Chair.  The Grand Presiding officers are ex-officio members of the committee.  The committee may, and is encouraged to, recruit additional support to accomplish the objectives of the committee. (Proceedings 1997, page 34)


1.   This Fund shall be known as the Grand Chapter of Delaware Permanent Fund.

2.   The purpose of this Fund is to assist in offsetting the expenses of the Annual Convocation and the Grand High Priest during his term of office.

3.   The principal of this fund may not be spent and must remain for growth. The investment income may be used only in accordance with No.4 below.

4.   When the Fund reaches the amount of five thousand dollars ($5000.00), 50% of the annual investment income may be spent; 25% annually and 25% accumulated for three years  to assist in offsetting the cost of attending the Triennial Sessions of the General Grand Chapter International by the Grand High Priest or his designated Proxy. When the Fund accumulates to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), 75% of the annual investment income may be spent; 50% annually and 25% accumulated for three years to assist in offsetting the cost of attending the Triennial Sessions of the General Grand Chapter International by the Grand High Priest or his designated Proxy. At no time, regardless of how large the fund grows, can more than 75% of the annual investment income be spent. There must always be 25% of the annual investment income rolled over into the fund for growth.

5.   This Fund shall be managed by a committee of three (3) Companions, from the Constituent Chapters, to serve staggered terms of three years each. The Grand Treasurer shall be  ex-officio member of this committee responsible for the accountability of the Fund and the disbursement of any monies from the Fund.

6.   The incoming Grand High Priest shall appoint one (1) Companion, to serve a three year term on this Committee.

7.   The Committee members shall select a Chairman from its members.

8.   The Committee's duties shall be:

A. Devise, and see implemented, ways to raise money for the Fund.

B. Prudently invest the proceeds of the Fund in the best interest of the Grand Chapter of Delaware.

C. Prepare an annual report of the progress of the Fund to be presented at the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Delaware.

9. There is no requirement that investment income be spent each year. Further, it may only be used for the purposes designated herein.

10. Expenditures from this Fund can only be made following written request for same which clearly identifies the basis and reason for the disbursement. These disbursements cannot exceed the fair and reasonable expense for the purposes so designated.

11.  Each incoming Grand High Priest is encouraged to have his own program to assist in raising money for the Fund.


Resolved: that the Grand Chapter in conjunction with the Grand Council and Grand Commandery create a Standing Committee to be known as the Grand York Rite Leadership and Education Committee.  The duties of said Committee to be:

1. Conceive, prepare, schedule and conduct Seminars for the Officers of the Grand and Constituent bodies of the York Rite on subjects that will improve their ability to lead and educate the members of their respective bodies.  At least two (2) Seminars shall be conducted each year in locations accessible to all members of the Rite.  Multiple sessions may be considered to satisfy this requirement.

2.  Develop, prepare, publish, and provide to the Officers and members of the York Rite materials which will enhance the ability of the Officers to lead, and permit all to better understand the principles of Freemasonry.

3. The committee shall be composed of three members, one from each of the three Grand Bodies.  Their term of service shall be for three years except for the initial appointments, where the member from Grand Chapter shall be for one year, Grand Council for two years and Grand Commandery for three years.  The chairmanship shall rotate annually through Grand Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand Commandery so that the longest service member is the Chair.  The Grand Presiding officers are ex-officio members of the committee.  The committee may, and is encouraged to, recruit additional support to accomplish the objectives of the committee.


Resolved: that the Grand Chapter in conjunction with the Grand Council and Grand Commandery create a Standing Committee to be known as the Grand York Rite Youth Committee.  The duties of said Committee to be:

1. To maintain a continuing liaison with the Order of DeMolay and Job's Daughters.  They shall advise the York Rite bodies of youth activities and elicit support from our membership.  They shall advise the Grand Bodies of specific needs of the youth groups and recommend appropriate action.

2. The committee shall be composed of three members, one from each of the three Grand Bodies.  Their term of service shall be for three years except for the initial appointments, where the member from Grand Chapter shall be for one year, Grand Council for two years and Grand Commandery for three years.  The chairmanship shall rotate annually through Grand Chapter, Grand Council, and Grand Commandery so that the longest service member is the Chair.  The Grand Presiding officers are ex-officio members of the committee.  The committee may, and is encouraged to, recruit additional support to accomplish the objectives of the committee.

3. Specific Duties:

. Following each annual session of the York Rite Bodies, provide to the Executive Officer for DeMolay for Delaware and the Grand Guardian of Job’s Daughters for Delaware the names and addresses of the current Grand and Constituent Officers of the Grand Chapter.

. By January 1 of each year, provide to the Grand Secretary the names and addresses of each Delaware DeMolay Chapter, each Delaware Bethel, International Order of Job’s Daughters together with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the presiding officers.

. By December 1 of each year, provide to the Grand King a recommended visitation schedule to selected Delaware DeMolay Chapters and Delaware Job’s Daughters Bethels  for his year. This schedule to be developed in conjunction with Grand Council and Grand Commandery and should insure that each DeMolay Chapter and each Job’s Daughters Bethel is visited at least once every three years. This visitation to be conducted in conjunction with the Constituent Body nearest the Chapter or Bethel to be visited. Wherein there our multiple such Constituent Bodies, the visitation will be undertaken in a numerical rotating basis within Chapter/Council and Commandery.


Chester C. Coffin, PGHP

C. Ray Scarborough, PGHP

Updated and Approved for Distribution By Jurisprudence 3/13/99

Donald D. Thomas, PGHP, Grand Secretary

Updated following 3/13/99 Grand Session to include SR 55,56,57